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18600945351 王經(jīng)理

地址:北京市 北京市 朝陽區(qū) 將臺普天實業(yè)創(chuàng)新園- A4棟 Apex


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地  址:北京市 北京市 朝陽區(qū) 將臺普天實業(yè)創(chuàng)新園- A4棟 Apex

電  話:18600945351








Carlton 置物架

這件精美的雕塑作品,由 Ettore Sottsass 在1981年設(shè)計,最初是作為一個房間分隔,與生動的顏色折衷組合,木材和塑料層壓結(jié)構(gòu)。對稱的形狀得到一個動態(tài)的不對稱的風(fēng)格,與各種細(xì)微差別被用來標(biāo)記每個元素,喚起后現(xiàn)代主義繪畫和雕塑的誘惑,同樣舒適地被用作一個現(xiàn)代藝術(shù)裝置。

Carlton is an iconic bookcase of revolutionary design and a symbol of Memphis production worldwide. This exquisite sculptural piece, designed by Ettore Sottsass in 1981, was originally built as a room divider, with an eclectic combination of vivid colours, with a structure made of wood and plastic laminate. The symmetrical shape gets a dynamic asymmetrical flair, with various nuances used to mark each element, evoking the allure of postmodernist paintings and sculptures, equally comfortable to be used as a modern art installation.



這款精致的椅子是喬治·索登在1983年為孟菲斯設(shè)計的。它兼收并蓄,優(yōu)雅大方,將成為當(dāng)代餐廳或現(xiàn)代書房的一個引人注目的補充。 其嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)?shù)膸缀屋喞兔髁恋念伾怀?,使其與眾不同,除了藍色的腿、綠色的扶手和黃色的靠背頂部外,木頭都漆成黑色。

This exquisite chair was designed by George Thornton for Memphis in 1983. It is eclectic, elegant and generous, will become a contemporary restaurant or modern study of a striking complement. Its strict geometry and bright color highlight, make it unique, except for blue legs, green armrests and yellow back top, wood is painted black.



這張優(yōu)雅而現(xiàn)代的咖啡桌的動態(tài)設(shè)計是由 Michele De Lucchi 在1981年為孟菲斯設(shè)計的。這件作品的動物造型輪廓是四個金屬腳,支撐著一個裝飾著黑白對角漆裝飾圖案的木制長方形,與黃色圓形桌面相連。既現(xiàn)代又實用,這張咖啡桌絕對是任何環(huán)境的主角,是一件極好的后現(xiàn)代主義藝術(shù)作品。

The dynamic design of this elegant and modern coffee table was created by Michele De Lucchi for Memphis in 1981 The zoomorphic silhouette of this piece features four metal feet that support a wooden rectangular piece decorated with a diagonal black and white lacquer decorative pattern, linked to a yellow round tabletop. Modern and functional, this coffee table is an absolute protagonist of any environment, and a superb postmodernist work of art.




This eye-catching lamp is a 1981 postmodernism by Michelde Srdjan Luchin. It is made of tubular metal and decorated with multicolored paint, combining black-and-white striped patterns with delicate shades of pink and orange.


Tapigri 地毯

Tapigri 地毯在深藍色圓圈和方塊背景上,疊加上黑白圖案,結(jié)合簡單的3D立方體輪廓, 再用明亮的主黃色裝飾邊緣。這款設(shè)計也可以做成黑白灰色,更具裝飾派藝術(shù)風(fēng)格。

Visually compared to a crib-sheet of Memphis motifs, the Tapigri rug, designed by an original Memphis Group member, Nathalie Du Pasquier, features simple 3D silhouettes of cubes, decorated by monochromatic patterns, on a background of overlapping dark blue circles and squares, with a bright yellow trim. The same design is also available in black, white and grey giving out a more Art Deco vibe. 


Michele De Lucch椅子

這把造型獨特的椅子,醒目而大膽,由米歇爾 · 德 · 盧基在1983年設(shè)計,作為“孟菲斯 · 米蘭設(shè)計師”系列的一部分。復(fù)雜的設(shè)計在木材和金屬的組合中喚起了行星軌道,創(chuàng)造了銀色、藍色和黑色的元素相互連接,創(chuàng)造了座椅和切割靠背。椅子可以很容易地作為一個獨特的口音片,并立即成為任何環(huán)境的主角。

This chair with unusual shapes, Striking and bold, was designed by Michele De Lucchi in 1983, as part of the "Memphis Milano Designer" Collection. The complex design evokes planetary orbits in a combination of wood and metal, creating silver, blue, and black elements connected to each other to create the seat and cut-out backrest. The chair can easily be used as a unique accent piece, and immediately be the protagonist of any environment.


